Project IGI 1 (I'm going in) Mission 2 SAM Base Pc Game Walkthrough Gameplay

SAM Base is the second mission of Project IGI 1 (I'm going in). Go left around the crates, Mp5 drawn. Stay left and head towards the tower, shooting the guy and thus the highest of Capitol Hill. If you get hit, restart. Walk to the ladder, but don't climb it. Walking backward, inspect the very best of the tower. You will see an enemy on top of the tower, maybe to the right of the ladder. Kill him but don't bother mounting up.

Reload and run back towards the SAM launcher. Kill the guy near the truck and two near the SAM. Then remove the one within the stone shelter alongside your zoomed-in Mp5. After gathering the AK47's and preparing one, start towards the building area. Stand next to the massive grey building on your right and shoot the guy before you, then move forward and appearance right - another enemy to the left of the blue barrels. Now enter the aforementioned large building (it features a symbol with "EXPLOSIVE!" on it). The C4 is true before you, but you'll turn left and acquire some Proximity Mines, Hand Grenades, and Flashbangs.

Vacation the building and go left to the SAM launcher. Usage your AK47 to kill the two enemies, then walk up to the SAM launcher and plant the C4 with the "Activate" key. Back to the other SAM launcher and plant C4 thereon. Head towards the last SAM vehicle and take away two guys at the lowest of Capitol Hill. Keep going and kill the third guy. Four more: before the building, next to the Jeep, within the shelter, and next to the crates (in that order). One or two more might come at you. Now attend the SAM, plant C4, and use your map to hunt out the helipad.

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