Project IGI 1 (I'm going in) Mission 3 Military Airbase Pc Game Walkthrough Gameplay

Military Airbase is the third mission of Project IGI 1 (I'm going in). Run forward towards the proper of the dome, Glock drawn. Kill the guy, take his AK47, and switch to your Mp5. Keep heading forward, veering right towards the bottom. Kill the guy ahead, then move next to the chain-link fence and shoot the enemy ahead of the garage. Now quickly run into the bottom, shooting two more: next to the truck and within the booth. Head towards the sunken building and use the keypad to the left of the door. Once you're inside, turn left and shoot another guy through the windshield.
Project IGI 1 (I'm going in) Mission 3 Military Airbase

Move around the truck and obtain another ahead of the entrance. Open the door, go up the ladder, and out the second entrance. Move along the building, and remove an enemy to your right. Then, using the Mp5, shoot the sniper on the tower and another on the balcony slightly to your right (use binoculars if you cannot see him). Kill another one walking around near the gap within the wall because he will sometimes start shooting you as you climb the ladder. Now go up the tower and use the Dragunov and binoculars to first destroy the camera on the brown two-story building than anyone else blocking your path thereto building.

Note: Don't kill anyone to the proper of the facility building! There's one guy who patrols around the Power Building, and if he's to the proper of that building once you kill him, a security camera will spot his body and sound the alarm.

Go down the ladder and through the gap within the wall. Hug the building to your right and kill the guy who's either ahead of you or to your left. Keep following the wall of the building to your right until you come to the door. Go in, up the elevator, kill the opposite sniper and collect two shiny new Dragunov's. Get out and head towards the two-story Security Building, but don't enter - kill the three reinforcements within the barracks to the proper first. there is a good chance that one or two more guards will come at you from the Safety Building. Now enter the building and thru the red door to your left.

Run to the last cell and obtain the message from Anya, then enter the opposite room and grab the medkit. Head back the way you came, all the thanks to the front of the bottom. Now run towards the airfield and snipe the guy within the tower to your right, then shoot the 2 cameras - top camera first. Go the great distance around the building, so you pass the closed front entrance and use your Dragunov to require out the three guards. Use the keypad within the booth then enter the building behind you and fight your thanks to the tower. Go up the elevator and use the pc, then leave the world the way you came in and run to the jet on your right.

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