Project IGI 1 (I'm going in) Mission 5 Radar Base Pc Game Walkthrough Gameplay

Radar Base is the fifth mission of Project IGI 1 (I'm going in). Take out your Glock and kill one guard at the gate and another one who is patrolling, probably to your left. Get their weapons and switch to the AK-47. Enter the building and take the elevator down - crouch within the left corner (against the door) and aim right - kill the guard when the door opens, then strafe right and aim left to kill another. Get the medipack and Desert Eagle, then take the elevator up. Shoot the guard on your left, then open the door to the left and quickly kill the guard there and return down the elevator. enter the booth, hack the pc, then press the button. Switch back to the M16.

Go through the gate and strafe right until you're up against the building. Look left and shoot the enemy, then get on the brink of the tower on your right. Aim for the within the roof of the tower and hit alternate fire. attend subsequent gate (directly across from the one you opened within the booth), switch to the AK-47, and kill as many guards as you'll through the fence. Use the massive green objects for canopy. Open the gate and run into the building on the left. Once you're out, turn right, destroy the camera, and switch to the M16. Then enter the building to your left. once you open the door to the pc room (right after the one with two brown couches), step back and use your M16 to lob an explosive into the middle of the space. Switch back to the AK-47 and check the desk to your left to urge the keycard. undergo the remainder of the building - be careful with the guy on your left immediately after the soda machine room. Head left and clear the area; make certain to kill the 2 guards next to the dome (with the M16).

 Go back through the 2 buildings, and attend the building to the left of the tower. Get the Minimi there, leave, turn left, and undergo the gate to your right, keep turning right and await a gap within the fence to your left. Run to the dome, open the door, climb up the ladder, and use the pc. don't be concerned about encountering any guards here. Leave the building and use your map to seek out the helipad. Equip the Minimi and run towards the barracks (on the left), killing the 2 guards therein area. Then use the barracks for the canopy to kill the three guards near the grey building. Once they're dead, run to the helipad.

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